A financial planner should take the time to get clear about your goals and objectives. By engaging in this conversation, you may discover what’s important to you on your financial journey. Financial planners may be licenced in multiple categories and in many provinces of Canada. Although clients often seek investment advice, the core of a plan is in cash flow. By working with a financial planner who can assess and discuss the ups and downs of your personal or business cash flow, you can have clarity and direction on how to optimize for efficiency.
A financial planner relationship is critical to your financial success. Often these trusted relationships develop into lifelong friendships. Seek out a financial planner willing to ask you the tough questions that no one else will, someone who will hold you accountable to your growth and be there alongside you on the journey helping you correct and continue as needed.
These financial professionals will help you to create and stick to a budget. They can find and save money that is flowing through your budget to reallocate it for future usage. Provide guidance on tax savings tools and strategies based on your situation, and many provide insight into your most significant financial decisions both personally and for your business. They will provide direction and help you prepare for retirement and the estate you will leave behind.
Not all financial planners specialize. At Ascendant Financial, our team approach and focus on client education and empowerment is at the core of what we do. As a specialized organization in Canada, we are leaders in implementing the process of Becoming Your Own Banker. The power of The Infinite Banking Concept in Canada for your personal economy and your corporation is incredible. When you work with Ascendant Financial Planners, you get access to our growing private client portal of resources, quarterly client coaching sessions, weekly podcasts, including client interviews, video content, live webinars and training events. Our strategic partnerships give you access to the expertise needed to help you are all of life’s critical stages.

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