Jayson Lowe

Jayson Lowe is founder of Ascendant Financial Inc. A visionary, a gifted leader, Jayson has over 22 years experience as a highly regarded coach, speaker and advisor to individuals and business owners nationwide. Jayson leads a Team of Professionals, highly sought after for their strong belief in and commitment to the process of Becoming Your Own Banker, developed by the late R. Nelson Nash. This is evident in all areas of Ascendant Financial and its successful process, which works to help People achieve financial prosperity in both their personal and business lives. Jayson works closely with Accountants, Lawyers, and Strategic Partners to provide unique and unrivaled solutions that maximize our Client’s wealth.

He is recognized as one of Canada’s top overall Advisors, author of several publications, and co-author of The And Asset For Candians, a Simple Guide to Creating Personal Wealth for Canadians, Cash Follows The Leader. Jayson has delivered hundreds of presentations to the general public, appeared on countless stages and interviews. He is internationally recognized as one of the leading educators and implementers of Becoming Your Own Banker, The Infinite Banking Concept.

Jayson is a Chartered Life Underwriter, an Authorized Infinite Banking Practitioner with the Nelson Nash Institute, maintains multiple affiliations and is very active in the financial services industry. He has been in the life insurance industry for more than 11 years, has been educating clients and personally practicing the Infinite Banking Concept™ for more than a decade.

If you live in Alberta or Ontario, you’ve likely heard Jayson being interviewed on the Corus Radio Network, 630 Ched’s Talk to the Experts, News talk 770, Success Magazine, Global AM 740, Equitable Life of Canada, to name just a few. Jayson is also a Top of the Table Member of the Million Dollar Roundtable, the most prestigious association of Financial Professionals in the world.

Jayson is married to Rebecca Lowe, his partner in business and in life. They jointly own and operate Ascendant Financial Inc., with headquarters in Edmonton, and licensed in several provinces across Canada. Jayson, Rebecca reside in Leduc and are kept very busy with their 4 Children.

An important part of Jayson’s life is to give back. Especially dear to his heart are Children’s charities, and non-profit agencies providing food, shelter and spiritual care to others less fortunate.

When he’s not building the Ascendant Financial organization and serving Clients, Jayson spends quality time with his entire Family and dear Friends.

Jayson would love to hear from you.

Why do I love my job?

What I do isn’t a job.  Serving Clients and Growing our Company are not work to me.  I tap dance into my office everyday.  I love seeing Clients transform their financial futures and celebrate their successes.

When I’m not at work, you can find me….

Spending time with my Family and Friends.

How does what I do impact others?

Looking back more than 12 years, I’m amazed at how the fundamental message, and process of Becoming Your Own Banker have changed so many lives.  The more you see this process, the more you’ll see you didn’t see.

2 favourite things about your life journey so far?

  1. Going back for a moment to 2008, one of the first People to go through the process of Becoming Your Own Banker – was Rebecca Lowe, who for more than 13 years now has been my life partner and business partner. Without Rebecca, you wouldn’t be reading this.
  2. Becoming a Father. Having 4 Kids has been one of the greatest blessings of my life journey so far.  I LOVE being a Dad!

What type of clients do you enjoy working with?

I’m best suited to work with Clients who possess the optimum mindset of loving to set and achieve big goals, who are coachable, maintain a positive attitude, take action, have strong Family values, are polite and respectful.

What do I love most about IBC?

That it is a process that changes thinking and changes lives.  We haven’t had a single Client call us the past 12 years upset that their net worth (policy cash values) continue rising every single day.

How did I get into IBC?

In July 2008, I attended a conference that changed my life and made everything in Ascendant Financial possible. 

It was initially presented to me as B.O.S.S. (Bankers Optimal System of Security), my first exposure to what I would later learn was the process of Becoming Your Own Banker, The Infinite Banking Concept.  There were several hundred Americans in attendance at that event.  I was one of only two Canadians in the room.  Little did I know that trip would change the course of my life completely. 

I was introduced to Jayson in December of 2011 to assist his family with their taxes. At that time, I had an extremely limited knowledge of permanent life insurance and the benefits that it could bring to me and my clients; professionals and business owners. For several years, Jayson had tried to explain the benefits and why I had to learn more. Unfortunately, I was like the majority of accountants, thinking, this is really complicated, expensive and probably not necessary. Term insurance was the way to go. Was I ever wrong! Once I finally took the time to understand the process, I realized that this was a huge missed opportunity to deliver value-added service to my clients. We could minimize taxes paid while alive, at death, and preserve liquidity for business owners while investing in a tax-free environment. Thanks Jayson, for continually pushing me in this direction. Over the past number of months, Jayson and I have spent numerous hours identifying clients where we saw a specific need or opportunity. Then, the process started. I was so impressed with the dialog that Jayson created and how easy it was for him to explain the benefits of permanent insurance, and my clients got it. Not only did they walk away with a different perspective of insurance, seeing it as an asset and not an expense, our relationship strengthened as well. I would not hesitate to put Jayson in front of anyone. He really is the expert in this field. Thanks Jayson.

Tim Dawson